Children’s Dentistry
A child’s first visit and subsequent visits early on set the stage for their attitudes towards the dentist and their oral health. We aim to make a child’s dental experience both fun and interactive. I am a strong believer that it is a good idea that parents seek dental advise as soon as the first teeth erupt. In these cases, I offer new parents a chance to meet with us and discuss some of the issues that infants may face and some of the aids available to parents to help prevent tooth problems before they begin. Early childhood tooth decay is far too common and prevention requires education of the parents, not the child.
Child’s First Visit
I have deemed this initiative the “FIRST TOOTH, FIRST VISIT” program. Once a child is about 3 years old, their first dental visit may include: office tour and meet and greet with our staff, a comprehensive oral examination, radiographs if deemed necessary, and a dental cleaning. Parents can help prepare their children for their first visit by giving them a tour of our website and to briefly explain what will be done at their first visit.

Child’s First Visit
I have deemed this initiative the “FIRST TOOTH, FIRST VISIT” program. Once a child is about 3 years old, their first dental visit may include: office tour and meet and greet with our staff, a comprehensive oral examination, radiographs if deemed necessary, and a dental cleaning. Parents can help prepare their children for their first visit by giving them a tour of our website and to briefly explain what will be done at their first visit.

Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide or ‘laughing gas’ is a very safe form of sedation given via a hood placed over the patient’s nose. Onset is rapid, as is recovery. Patients leave fully recovered and may drive home if they wish. I recommend this modality for milder levels of anxiety.
Oral Sedation
This form of sedation requires a patient to take a mild sedative like valium about 30 minutes to an hour before their appointment. Patients begin to feel drowsy and relaxed while in our office, just in time to have their dental treatment completed. These patients require someone to accompany them to and from the office. Oral sedation is recommended for mild to moderate levels of anxiety.

Oral Sedation
This form of sedation requires a patient to take a mild sedative like valium about 30 minutes to an hour before their appointment. Patients begin to feel drowsy and relaxed while in our office, just in time to have their dental treatment completed. These patients require someone to accompany them to and from the office. Oral sedation is recommended for mild to moderate levels of anxiety.